Sunday, July 31, 2011

toystory - cars2 lego (2)

Cars2 Lego


Pit Stop

Luigi and Guido

another cars2 lego!!

as all great car races go...

the driver and car needs a pit crew.

so here it is...

Lightning Mcqueens pit stop crew...

Luigi and Guido

(the back of the box)
Pit Stop

box is opened!! yayy~
so exciting!!

parts for the characters I think...

ooh~ Guido!!

look at his smile and cute wheels!! >_<

Guido's got a screwdriver handy for Mcqueens next pit stop!!

now... making Luigi~

so much yellow!!!!


microphone on? check!!

headphones? check!!
talking with Mcqueen while racing to see if he has any motor damgae etc...
so... Luigi...

wheels? uh....... soon to be checked!!

the finished look of Luigi and Guido.

their smiles makes me happy!! heehee

got their gears on for a great race!!

hm... what are we making here?

aah~ a fuel tank. yes..

every pit stop needs one of course!!

flag post!!

now... what are we making here???


oh yeah!! Mcqueens place for his Pit stop!!

got his number there...
the Pit Stop for the race in Japan..

the whole finished look for this Lego set.
they sure look ready for Mcqueen's next stop along the race!!


so the race is on...

pit crew? you ready?


on your mark! get set! GO!!!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

nailart - angled polka dots

Angled Polka Dots


so this post is the nail design up top there.

french tips with a bit of a twist!!

instead of a 20/80 straight line,

it will be a 50/50 angled line!!

(i keep typing 'angeled' instead of 'angled'.. fail much?!?!)


its going to have white polka dots!!


let's get this started, shall we?

what you will need?

base coat - OPI's "Nail Envy"

nail colour of your choice, preferably a bright playful colour.. for me - OPI's "Shorts Story"

white coloured polish - OPI's "Alpine Snow"

nailart stripe polish, similar to your nail colour choice.. for me - LA Colours "Metallic Pink"

top coat - OPI's "Top Coat"


dotting tool

so.. once you have what you need, start by preparing your nails.
wash your hands, file it to a nice shape, cuticle treatment...etc...
I had to trim mine you see...
a few broke, chipped and it looked odd with like two perfect long ones..
looks like I have to wait a few weeks for it grow till I can do other cool designs!!
once your nails are prepared, apply base coat.
remember, base coating helps your nails look smoother and it also protects your nails..

while you're waiting for the base coat to dry,
carefully cut some cellotape and stick it onto the back of your hands.
after a bit, take it off and stick it back on again.
repeat until you feel the stickiness sort of gone but alittle still remaining.

when the base you applied dries, cut the cellotape so that it fits your nails and alittle over onto your skin.
stick it in an angel like the picture above.
stick it on gently making sure you get the bit where the nail and skin meet in between!!

when you're ready!!
apply your nail colour!!

since you have the cellotape on, you don't have to worry about making mistakes!!
double yayy!!!

once the first coats dry, apply a second coat making sure you get the edges of the nails too!!

so while the second coats drying...

drop a few drops of your white nail polish onto a plastic surface.
(I'm using a shopping bag I got from JBHIFI.. shhh!! don't tell!!)
using your dotting tool, start making dots on the nails,
starting by the area where the tape is stuck on.
follow the diagonal line of the tape,
space the dots at resonable distance.

the dots should sorta look like this...

if you don't have a dotting tool, don't worry.

you can use your cotton bud!!

just dont forget to take the cotton off!!

or toothpick!!

just by cutting the ends of it to the size of the dots you want!!


a blunt wooden pencil.

yep! that works too!!!


you have nothing to worry about!!

you can transform your everyday things!! SIMPLE!!

once the white dots have dried, take the cellotape of slowly and gently.

the reason for this is because,

while appying your nail colour and the dots,

the polish might've gone underneath the tape, or the polish on the tape might've not dried yet.

if you don't take the tape off carefully the polish might smudge.

as you can see, my white polish smudged abit.

this could be a problem if you are planning to skip the next part and go straight to top coating your design..


since I've made a booboo...

I shall turn to a striping nailart polish....

"HELP ME!! help me through this disaster oh mighty striping polish!!"

I have drawn lines just below the colour to cover up my mistakes~


quite a neat polish to have actually.

the brush is long and thin making it easier to draw lines with..

once the stripe and the other colours are dry,

apply your top coat..

and well... after waiting for the top coat dry...

well then...

I guess thats it...


that's the finished look.

I know terrible picture because of the glare from the light...

will do better next time...



the finished look looked great!!

the colour and design were cute and fun!!

a really nice pop of colour during the cold weathers we were having a few days ago in NewZealand..

boy, was that...brrrrrrr!!!!

this look I think suits any seasons!

with the right colours too,

it should suit any fun events!!

or just a casual day/night out

or at home too...!!


as you can see,

with a different colour the nailart changes to a whole new different feel and look to it!!

by the way...

you can also use glitter nail polish instead of the striping polish to sort of hide the mistake.

like the orange one above.

(you can't really see it.. but its there....)


if you don't think you can do it..

try!! and practise!!

like they say...

"Practise makes Perfect"

corny... I know... but its true!!


have fun!!


Good Luck~

Monday, July 25, 2011

toystory - cars2 lego (1)

Car2 Lego


Lightning Mcqueen and Francisco race


got myself a new toy!!


I used to LOVE lego when I was a kid, so I thought I might start collecting a few sets


(the front of the box)

(the back of the box)

started off making Lightning Mcqueen

(because the instruction told me to... lol)

look at the cute tyres!!!

finished look of Lightning Mcqueen.

pretty cool huh?

now making Francisco

smaller tyres for him~

so cute!!!!

finished look for Francisco

Mcqueen and Francisco getting ready for a race!!



eco-friendly fuel that's sponsoring for this race.

making the race starting/finishing point

race lights!!

get ready!!!

so this is the finished look for the set.

the boys look hyped up for the race!!

everyone's here to watch the biggest race of the year!!

wonder who's cheering for who?

who do you thinks gonna win??